YpsoPump – My Thoughts

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There’s been an excited buzz in the diabetes community with rumours of new pumps coming on the market. YpsoPump is one of the new kids on the block. Officially, the pump will be launched at the end of May. However, they have been doing the ninja. The accompanying mylife App was released on iTunes a few weeks ago and pump consumables are expected to be NDSS list some time this week. And of course a few people have been trialling it. So here’s my first impressions on it.

Main things I love about the YpsoPump:

  • Size, weight, look and feel of the pump. 29994600_10156248897381948_146137298_oIt’s slick, small and has a slimmer profile compared to my Vibe.
  • Separate inserter for sites = less clunky waste (compared to the Inset II pods) = less trips to get a new sharps container.
  • 360 degree rotation of infusion site + separate inserter = ability to put sites in lower back aka more real estate!
  • Simple to use and intuitive pump interface once you get used to the icons. I particularly like the swipe left feature to see last bolus dose.
  • Uses a normal AAA battery! No more expensive lithium batteries. Each battery lasts about a month.

Main things I don’t like:

  • mylife app is clunky and slow to use to the point where I now 29995910_10156248897401948_1126165753_ouse mySugr. I actuallylove using the mySugr bolus calculator as it splits my doses into bolus and correction. That way, I can easily see the correction doses I’ve been having and helps me to reassess the need for a temp basal or to change basal rates.
  • Infusion sites are considerably chunkier than Inset IIs for Animas. So it’s slight more visible under fitted clothes and definitely a higher chance of getting it caught on things.
  • Insulin cartridge is a bit finicky to fill as the stopper…doesn’t stop. So you need to be careful not to over pull the plunger otherwise you will have a pool of insulin in front of you. The removable plunger can be difficult to remove without pulling the stopper out of the cartridge as30069971_10156248920701948_294211980_o well. It’s not an issue for those in Europe as their cartridgescome pre-filled with Fiasp.
  • The YpsoPump doesn’t come with a clip so you need to rely on their covers. Currentcovers that come with the clip are not very sturdy and fall off waistband easily. On the plus side, since the pump is smaller it fits a bit more nicely in the bra.
  • Alarms are difficult to decipher if you don’t have a list of what different icons mean handy. I ended up taking a photo of the alarm I had and sending it to my rep to work it out.

There are also some exciting things that have been promised for YpsoPump that are coming in the near future:

  • Bidirectional communication between pump and app = meaning that you can bolus from the app itself without touching the pump. While exciting, it will only be handy if they fix the app.
  • CGM integration – not entirely sure what this means. I suspect it will be an app upgrade and maybe we will have the option to use that data for bolusing? The only thing we know is that integration will only be with Dexcom and Libre.


Final verdict:

At the moment YpsoPump feels like both an upgrade and downgrade from the Vibe. There are definitely things I love about the YpsoPump but things that I miss from my Vibe.

So far the support from the mylife reps have been great and the little YpsoPump has some great potential. But it all relies on these upcoming features they have promised us and any changes they make based on our feedback.

To find out more about YpsoPump and its technical specs, you’ll need to head to their European website. If you’d like to see more photos and my experiences of using YpsoPump, check out my Instagram Story Highlights.

Disclaimer: I was kindly provided a trial pump and a couple of boxes of cartridges and infusion sets to try at no cost. However I was under no obligation to write about the YpsoPump nor am I being paid to write this review.

6 responses to “YpsoPump – My Thoughts”

  1. Rick Phillips Avatar
    Rick Phillips

    I am not very optimistic about this little pump. I hope it gets much better before it reaches the US.

    1. Ashley Avatar

      I’m quietly excited about it. But it really depends on the updates and promised features. So I think it’s too early to tell.

  2. […] to R): Ashley (@hangrypancreas), Melinda (MelindaSeedT1D),  Renza (@RenzaS), Rachel (@Yogafordiabetes). Frank (@FrankSita), Jayne […]

  3. brian pineo Avatar
    brian pineo

    I have the ypsopump for a month now
    i an not happy with the alarms for the Bluetooth connection app go’s to sleep on your phone and you have an alarm (really vibrating and beeping for Bluetooth) called the help line or lack of help they say to turn off the Bluetooth they why have a app on the pone will be returning mine
    not happy at all with Ypsomed
    back for my 5th pump from mini med

    1. Ashley Ng Avatar

      Thanks for sharing Brian! I haven’t been using the app but I agree the Bluetooth connection was a little slow. Hopefully they fix that in the bi-directional update.

  4. […] to R): Ashley (@hangrypancreas), Melinda (MelindaSeedT1D),  Renza (@RenzaS), Rachel (@Yogafordiabetes). Frank (@FrankSita), […]

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