Dr Ashley Ng

Diabetes Advocate and Researcher

Being diagnosed with diabetes as a young adult forced me to grow up in ways I had not imagined. Navigating the healthcare system and advocating for my own health needs were the biggest lessons I learned, and only through peer support networks.

As I progressed with my dietetic studies while learning to live with a chronic condition, I started focusing on how we can change the healthcare system to make it user-friendly and accessible. Soon, I found myself completing a PhD on developing a mobile health platform to support young adults with diabetes during life transitions.

Through my lived experience, clinician training and research, I have been able to gain a seat at the table to advocate for the diabetes community. But it shouldn’t be this difficult to have a patient voice heard. This is why I am passionate about consumer and community involvement in healthcare and research. My goal is to connect the diabetes community with clinicians, researchers and industry partners together to make a positive difference to those affected by diabetes.

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