Day in the life of…

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Welcome to a day in my life. I’ve taken this idea from Dr.OfWhat who writes about her experience as a PhD student and provides study tips and advice. I thought this was a fabulous way to give people a glimpse of what I get up to during the day. So, this is a snapshot of my day on Wednesday and of course, it will involve diabetes, food and my fur-baby. 

Wednesday mornings = one of my favourite gym classes! Usually we do circuits or High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT). Today we did Tabata, which was tough. Finished off gym session with some skipping. Then it’s a shower and off to uni.
Super hungry after gym…nothing like a yoghurt with some nice BGLs for morning tea while working on a fellowship application.
Falling asleep! Went for a walk across campus to get some chai (the only decent chai on campus too…). How about that incidental exercise, sunshine and chai power up!
Defeated. I felt like I had hit a brick wall and just couldn’t think. That’s usually when I know I need to call it a day, and do something else. i.e. go home and nap!
Got stuck in traffic, got home and had a lovely phone call with a close friend of mine to brainstorm some project ideas and help me out of my block. Sometimes, I find running ideas by some people who get it really helps. Of course Rosie interrupts the phone call with her cries for dinner.   
Finally…nap time…but nope. BG dropping, hypo imminent. So here I am chilling on the couch, munching on popcorn after a slice of toast. (I fell asleep while eating popcorn after this)
Dinner time at Fat Bob’s with a dear friend of ours from swim school days. So much catching up and laughs. 
I felt like I had a bit more energy to work on some small things before bed. Usually just organising stuff for Beta Change or going through emails. I’m helping to moderate a MOOC course as well, so that’s a bit of fun!
Getting ready for bed: test my BG, enter it into my pump for a correction (I was running a bit high from the extra chips we had) and notice I only have 1 unit of insulin left in my pump. My pump alerts me when I have 20 units left, which I must have hit during the day and ignored it. I feel like I need another alarm for when I’m down to 5 units or something. Anyway, 1 unit will not last me all night, so went ahead with a ‘no-no’ and did a site change before bed. Meh.

2 responses to “Day in the life of…”

  1. Rick Phillips Avatar
    Rick Phillips

    Ashley, I am amazed by ending up with 1 unit. I have never done that. There was a comedy program in the US called Seinfeld. In one program one of the character tries to test drive a car as far as he can with little or no gasoline. Your day in the life made me think of it.

    1. Ashley Avatar

      Hahaha! Thanks for sharing Rick.

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